One of the most useful and accessible drinks for humans is milk. It is what females of all mammals feed their babies. Natural milk is very useful for the human body, and today in stores there is a huge range of dairy products from different manufacturers. But what is whole milk? How does it look like, and where can it be obtained?
Whole milk is milk from a cow. No action is performed on it – skimming, pasteurization and other manipulations. Naturally, you cannot buy such a product in a regular store or supermarket, it simply will not be stored. You can find pasteurized, ultra-pasteurized and sterilized milk on sale. You can only buy this whole product at the market if it cooperates with some farm.
Cow’s milk differs from breast milk in that it is excessively high in protein, sodium, calcium and at the same time contains insufficient amounts of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Whole milk in baby food
Under no circumstances should whole cow’s/goat’s milk or kefir be introduced into an infant’s diet, even in diluted form. These products are not intended as complementary foods for infants: they are poorly digested and often cause allergic reactions and digestive disorders. Cow’s and goat’s milk have an unbalanced composition for infants, they lack many important nutrients. In addition, because of the frequent use of these products in children of the first year of life can develop iron deficiency anemia.
The body of a small child cannot absorb a large amount of protein. After all, mother’s breast milk has only 1.2 g of protein per 100 ml (the same proportions as formula), while cow’s milk has 3.2 ml. Using high-protein formula in the first months of life (more than 1.7 g per 100 ml), especially whole cow’s milk or kefir, can lead to adverse consequences: increased kidney function and an increased risk of obesity at an older age.
Why should a baby drink breast milk or formula?
Each animal produces specific milk that meets the unique needs of its offspring. So, for example, cow’s milk fully meets the nutritional and physiological needs of calves, but is not suitable for a young human. We will see now why.
Soon after birth, the calf stands up and starts walking. After 6 weeks, its weight doubles. By 2 years of age, the calf already has the size of an adult and the ability to reproduce. At the same time, its brain volume remains within 1/3 the size of an adult’s brain.
A human doubles its weight during the first 4-5 months and does not start walking until closer to a year of age. By 12 months of age, a baby’s brain almost triples in size.
The calf’s rapid growth means that the milk contains substantially higher levels of protein. The calf requires gaining muscle mass and weight as efficiently as possible.
Human physical growth is not as intense. Therefore, children’s milk formulas contain 3 times less protein. At the same time, they supply a child much more polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are necessary for brain development.
Milk formulas are also lower in mineral salts. A high mineral content would put an increased burden on the kidneys, which are not yet functionally developed.
Another important feature of formulas is an increased content of vitamins, the need for which in a growing baby’s body is very high.
Choose the best for your baby
Finally, the formula contains special ingredients that protect the baby from inflammatory processes and infections and help develop his immune system. Thus, the composition of cow’s milk (and this is the main product of the dairy industry today) does not allow it – in its usual form – to be used as a substitute for breast milk or milk formula.
So, what conclusions can we draw? Whole animal milk may be more nourishing than baby formula, but is it worth risking the health of the baby for this. It’s better to choose a reliable baby formula, such as Loulouka, and be assured that your baby won’t suffer from anemia and various related illnesses caused by whole milk. Loulouka formula is balanced with all the essential minerals and micronutrients your baby needs.