When it comes to taking care of your contact lenses, one of the most important things that you should know is what materials they are made from. Knowing this will help you to take better care of them and get more out of them! This blog post will cover ten tips for taking proper care of your contact lens, including information about different types and how to clean them properly.
- It is necessary to follow the contact lens care and handling instructions that your optometrist gives you when you buy contact lens. If they say not to wear them overnight or while swimming, then don’t do it!
- At GMCClinics in ophthalmology clinic in Dubai provides a full spectrum of eye examinations and treatments for people of all ages
- Contact lenses should be replaced every month, but sometimes circumstances may require more frequent replacement of contacts – such as if a person has dry eyes and needs to use lubricating drops regularly (which means their eyes will be drier than usual). In these cases, their doctor might recommend wearing fresh lenses for only two weeks before switching back out with another new pair.
- Even though there are some special daily disposable designs on the market today which can last up to 30 days (instead of one day most contact wearers still replace them every day, but you can try out the 30-day ones to see if it’s worth it for your lifestyle), most contacts should be replaced at least once a month.
- It is important that contact lenses are stored in hygienic conditions and not exposed to bacteria or fungi which might cause infections. The best way to store them is placed inside their original case with fresh solution (the one they come packaged with) when not being worn so they don’t get damaged by dust particles or particles from other objects around the house like dirt, carpet fibers, etc. because these kinds of things could scratch up your lenses making them less safe for usage over time even though they may seem clean enough on the surface. When putting them in your eyes, it’s best to wash and dry hands thoroughly first so you don’t introduce any germs or bacteria into the contact.
- As mentioned above, even though contacts seem clean enough on the surface – that doesn’t mean they are safe for usage! In fact, studies have shown that most lenses contain a lot of harmful bacterial colonies which can lead to eye infections if not properly taken care of. Even “disposable” daily-wear contacts need proper cleaning – because taking them out each night does not guarantee all germs from your eyes will be removed every time. This is why it is necessary to follow specific instructions given by your optometrist about how often to replace their case and solution, how to store them safely when not in use (inside their case), etc.
- If you wear contact lenses for long periods of time every day, your eyes can become dry or irritated more easily than someone who doesn’t wear contacts. Therefore it is very important that if this happens – even once – contact lens wearers need to see an optometrist immediately so they can check things out properly. Never try covering the symptoms up with lubricating eye drops because this won’t help much! Instead, go get yourself thoroughly checked so there are no underlying issues that could cause permanent damage if left untreated
- It might sound obvious but do not sleep while wearing your contacts unless specifically by your doctor! Not only does this open you up to a whole range of possible infections and eye problems, but it can actually cause damage to your eyes because it puts them under so much strain for hours at a time – which isn’t great when they’re supposed to be resting!
- Never share (or borrow) contact lenses with anyone as not only is this super unsanitary due to the high risk of transferring bacteria between people, but doing so could even put their health in serious danger. If someone has an infection already such as pink-eye or herpes simplex keratitis, giving that person another kind of infection (like conjunctivitis) through sharing contacts would make things extremely unsafe for both parties involved
- It might seem like common sense, but do not swim or shower while wearing contact lenses! If you are planning to take an extended bath then there is no reason why you can’t wear your contacts for this short period of time – just make sure they have been removed before getting in the water. The same goes with swimming where it may be safe enough to put them back on afterward if your eyes feel dry and need lubrication
- You might want to go over any information given by your optometrist again about what kind of cleaning solution you should use when removing makeup after a long day at work because oftentimes people will buy whatever’s cheapest without thinking twice which could potentially cause damage to their lens material. It also needs to be alcohol-free to avoid any risk of eye infections.
New Section Conclusion
Anything that you use on your eyes, including contact lenses need to be done post consultation with experts. According to specialists at a leading ophthalmology clinic in Dubai, there are too many brands out there in the market that do not manufacture contact lenses using the best materials. This can lead to irritation, infections and other serious problems in the eyes. Make sure that you are going for a particular brand or type of contact lens only after consulting trained and certified eye specialists who will be able to guide you in the right direction.