Children are often eager to learn to ride a bike as it gives them a sense of freedom and confidence. Parents who also love to cycle are often just as keen to teach them because it means that it is an activity they can enjoy together. When you are cycling with your child, you can make sure they are safe, but you are not going to be with them every time they are on their bike. It is therefore important that you teach your kids all about road safety and make sure that they are always using the appropriate safety gear.
Safety Tips for Children Cycling
- Young children should cycle away from traffic and should stick media posts to designated cycle paths. Some parents like to teach their kids to ride on the road.This is fine while you are with them, but it is safer if they avoid motorized traffic when cycling unaccompanied.
- If your child will be cycling on the roads with you, it is important that they are aware of road signs and that they obey them. Teach them to be considerate of other people on the road and ensure that they do not get distracted by listening to music through earphones.
- Encourage your child to make decisions instead of just following what you are doing. It is important that they are learning how to cycle on the road so that when they are olderthey can do it without you.
- All members of the family should wear protective gear when cycling. The folk at Woom, who specialize in lightweight bikes, say that if you want your children to get into the habit of wearing a helmet, you should set an example by wearing one yourself. According to a 2018 report by Accident Analysis & Prevention, bicycling is an ‘important source of injury for children’ but that helmet use ‘demonstrated significant protective effects for traumatic brain injuries, head and neck injuries and hospitalizations’.
- When cycling in the dark or in poor lighting conditions, it is imperative that your child wears reflective clothing. It is not sufficient to just wear light-colored clothing as this will not ensure your child is visible in dim light.
- The clothing your child wears when cycling is eblogz another important consideration. For example, loose pants can get caught in the bicycle chain, so it is better to wear snug fitting pants instead. Make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear too. Sandals or flip-flops are not a good idea as theopen front can get caught in the pedals and cause your child to fall off. It is better to wear sneakers with a good grip to stop feet slipping.
Teaching Your Child the Rules of the Road
There are certain rules that your child should always follow when cycling on the road. For example, they should always stop and check both directions when pulling out of your driveway, and make sure that they only ever cross at intersections and not in between parked cars.
Teach your child to use a bike lane whenever possible and to always ride with the trafficinstead of against it. When riding with your child, always cycle single file and tell them to do the same when cycling with friends.
Cycling is a great activity for kids and is something that they can do with family members and friends. However, it is particularly important that your children are always safe when out on their bike. Teaching them the rules of the road and making sure they are using the right protective equipment can help to prevent accidents and injuries.