A car’s fuel pump is one of the most vital pieces of equipment on the vehicle. It’s what delivers the gas that turns your engine, and if it stops working, you will have some serious issues. That’s why it’s essential to know when to replace your car fuel pump, which can prevent costly repairs later. Here are six signs that mean your car needs a new fuel pump:
Warning light is on.
Check the fuel pump warning light. This is a big one, so if you see that it’s on, you need to replace your fuel pump. The fuel pump warning light is usually located near your speedometer (or tachometer) and often has an arrow pointing towards it. If this light starts flashing or comes on for no reason, your vehicle’s computer has detected a problem with the engine management system and needs to be replaced immediately.
Engine misfires.
If you notice that your car is having trouble staying on or won’t accelerate as fast as it used to, a faulty fuel pump may be the cause. If your engine is misfiring, it could be because of bad fuel or dirty injectors. But it could also be because your fuel pump doesn’t have enough power to supply enough gasoline to keep the engine running smoothly.
The car won’t start.
The fuel pump may have gone out if your car won’t start. For a quick check, look at the fuse box under your hood and locate the fuse for your fuel pump. If it’s blown or melted, then there’s no power going to your car fuel pump, which may be why it isn’t working properly. You can also check your fuel filter—if it’s clogged and dirty, that could cause problems with starting up.
Car is hard to start.
A fuel pump that’s not pumping enough fuel to the engine can cause your car to be hard to start. However, if you have a manual transmission, you’ll notice that getting the engine started takes more effort than usual.
If your fuel pump is not delivering sufficient pressure, another thing your car may do is stall out while driving at highway speeds. This can be dangerous if you’re on the road and unable to coast safely off it because of other traffic around you or because there’s no shoulder available for safety reasons.
Engine stalls and sputters.
An engine stall and sputters are warning signs of a potential fuel pump issue. If your car struggles to start, the fuel pump isn’t providing enough power to kick-start your vehicle. Instead, try using starting fluid or diesel ultra-low sulphur content (ULSD) in this situation.
If your car stalls out while driving at high speeds, then you may need to replace the fuel pump. This can cause severe damage because a sudden loss of power will cause the car to decelerate quickly—and potentially lead to a crash if other vehicles are involved.
The car has poor acceleration.
If you notice that your car is having trouble accelerating after starting, it’s a good sign that your fuel pump needs to be replaced. The fuel pump is responsible for delivering fuel to the engine, so when it fails, your vehicle will have a hard time accelerating or may not start at all.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is best to have your fuel pump checked by a professional as soon as possible. This way, you can ensure that it is appropriately replaced and doesn’t cause further damage to your vehicle.