This article will throw more light on the syllabus for UPSC Civil Service Examination syllabus for the Preliminary and Mains examination. Also learn more about the UPSC online portal for registration in the examination.
UPSC Syllabus for Preliminary Examination
The UPSC syllabus for General Studies Paper II of the Preliminary examination covers topics related to General mental ability, Interpersonal skills including communication skills, Logical reasoning and analytical ability, Comprehension, Decision-making and problem solving
The UPSC syllabus for GS Paper I covers topics related to General Science, General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity, and Climate Change, Economic and Social Development, Indian Polity and Governance, Indian and World Geography, Economic Geography of India and the World, Social and Physical Geography. General Studies Paper I of UPSC prelims exam also covers History of India and Indian National Movement, Current events of National and International importance.
UPSC Syllabus for Mains Examination
The below given information will briefly throw light on the UPSC Syllabus covered in the General Studies (GS) Paper 1, General Studies (GS) Paper 2, General Studies (GS) Paper 3 and General Studies (GS) Paper 4.
Brief UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper – 4
The UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper 4 will cover topics related to Probity in Governance, Challenges of Corruption, Codes of Ethics, Information Sharing and Transparency in government, Ethics and Human Interface, Contributions of Moral thinkers and Philosophers from India and around the world, Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service etc.
Brief UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper – 3
The UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper 3 will cover topics related to Disaster Management, Environment, Security and Disaster, Economic Development, Technology. It also covers topics related to Land reforms in India, role of external state and non-state actors in creating challenges to internal security, it will also check the awareness of candidates in the fields of IT, Space, Computers, robotics, nano-technology, etc.
Brief UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper – 2
The UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper 2 will cover topics related to Indian Constitution, Constitutional and Non-Constitutional bodies, Amendments in Indian Constitution, Government policies and interventions, E-Governance, Transparency, etc.
Brief UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper – 1
The UPSC Syllabus for General Studies Paper 1 will cover topics related to Diversity of India, Salient features of Indian Society, Post-independence Consolidation and Reorganization within the Country, Distribution of Key Natural Resources Across the World, Effects of Globalization on Indian society, Important Geophysical Phenomena, etc.
For extensive information on UPSC syllabus, aspiring candidates are advised to visit the given link.
UPSC Online Portal – Registration for Civil Services
UPSC online portal consists of a 2 part registration process.The first part comprises basic details such as address, age, name etc. The second part comprises ID Proof, signature, uploading the photo, payment of fees, selecting the examination centers of UPSC. The UPSC online portal has made it convenient to carry out the following activities – Online Application For Prelims, Downloading the e-Admit Card, Filling the Online DAF Form for Mains, etc.