When you have other things to accomplish that are essential, wasting time waiting for the nail paint to dry is such a ridiculous and pointless thing to do. Due to this, you may choose to invest in a professional LED nail lamp in Australia. In only a few seconds, this will assist in getting the nail paint to its dry state. The vast majority of them are lightweight and straightforward to use. They run on batteries, which have a very long lifespan. You may bring and use them when you go on a trip too.
The market size of the nail salon industry in Australia will be $1.7 billion in 2022. This market size is expected to increase by 13.3% in 2022. Moreover, this industry in Australia increased faster than the overall economy. Due to this, the demand for professional nail dryers in Australia has also increased in recent years.
Different Kinds of Nail Dryers
UV and LED dryers are the two primary categories of professional nail dryers available today. LED nail polish dryers are more up-to-date and superior to UV nail polish dryers. Manicurists make extensive use of UV dryers, which are standard fixtures in nail salons. They can blast cold or warm air, allowing the user to choose their preferred temperature. The nail gel or polish will dry more quickly thanks to the UV rays emitted by these dryers. UV rays also kill the germs that live in the nail.
What Are the Advantages of Using LED Nail Bulbs Rather Than UV Ones?
The LED nail dryers in Australia are superior to UV nail dryers in every possible aspect. These dryers shorten the amount of time necessary to dry the nail polish. With the most pleasing LED nail light, only 30 to 35 seconds are needed for this activity. They are more energy-efficient than UV dryers and need less power to operate. You also gain the comfort of movement when you use LED dryers since they can withstand extensive use with only the battery alone. They can maintain operation with the same battery for an average of 50,000 hours. LED dryers designed for heavy use may be pretty pricey, but if you want to buy one at home, you can get a cheaper one since it will not be used as often as a heavy-duty LED dryer.
Advantages of Using Nail Dryers
Reduced drying time: If you dry your nails naturally, it may take more than half an hour to complete the process. However, if you use nail dryers, you may significantly reduce that time. If you have a typical nail dryer, it will take you less than six minutes to thoroughly dry all the nails on your hand.
Professional: If you are a professional makeup artist in Australia, you must have a nail dryer in your business. This product is highly recommended for professionals. This may be of great assistance to you in improving your business. Since the dryer dries the nails so rapidly, you’ll be able to see more customers in the time that you have available. Since you will save your customers’ time using the dryer, they will be pleased with you and your business.
Beneficial for Shellac Nails: Using a nail dryer, you may speedily dry many coats of polish or thick layers of polish, such as those used for shellac nails. This is a benefit for shellac nails. Making the polish layers more durable will only take a few seconds.
Neat Finishing: Utilising a professional LED nail lamp in Australia will give you a clean and professional look for your manicure. If you let the nail polish dry in its natural state, it will not only take a significant amount of time, but it also may not result in a neatly completed appearance. The nail polish will dry and become more durable in the dryer, which will allow you to get a flawless finishing.
No Accident: When you dry your nail polish using a professional LED nail lamp in Australia, there is no risk of smudging or spreading the nail paint. Thus, there is no likelihood of an accident. Due to this, you won’t even allow your nails the opportunity to come into contact with other things, which is the most frequent cause of the nail paint chipping and becoming unusable.